The Cerrado das Águas Consortium (CCA) is a collaborative platform that involves various sectors, including companies, government, and civil society. Our goal is to join efforts for environmental preservation and conservation in order to combat climate change.
Through the Conscious Producer Investment Program, the CCA guides, supports, and encourages producers in implementing strategies that provide ecosystem services to all producers whose properties are adjacent to a given basin, making the region resilient to climate change.
The CCA team supports producers and facilitates the transition to smart agriculture by offering technologies to be applied in native vegetation, productive areas with a focus on improving water resource availability, always based on scientific research and practical experience.
Today's water is the result of the landscape we build.
Act collaboratively to build sustainable productive landscapes, where activities
Environmental ethics, chain co-responsibility, commitment to Cerrado biome conservation, sustainable development, and ecological restoration.
Porque agimos com responsabilidade,
transparência e ética tendo a ciência como guia para as nossas tomadas de decisões.
Porque não existem divisões fronteiriças para as alterações do clima e sabemos
que somos corresponsáveis pela sua causa e pelas soluções.
Porque honramos as vozes dos produtores, das comunidades e instituições com as quais atuamos, garantindo resiliência às mudanças
Our governance model establishes clear roles and responsibilities for Associates, Council, and the professional team. The Cerrado das Águas Consortium is a legally independent nonprofit association, responsible for its budget and interventions, in front of its members and society.
The Consortium's actions are funded by companies whose raw material supply depends on region sustainability. Coffee production chain companies were the pioneers in structuring this initiative and are the majority among the associates, actively participating in the decision-making process of the Consortium's actions and contributing with an annual amount. However, the Consortium is open to all sectors interested in getting involved in conservation initiatives that promote climate resilience, as all work is carried out in hydrographic basins where various types of crops exist, all of which depend on water, a precious resource.
O Fundo de Parceria para Ecossistemas Críticos é uma iniciativa conjunta da Agência Francesa de Desenvolvimento, da Conservação Internacional, União Europeia, da Fundo Global para o Meio Ambiente, do Governo do Japão, e do Banco Mundial. Uma meta fundamental é garantir que a sociedade civil esteja envolvida com a conservação da biodiversidade.
Una-se a esse esforço conjunto!
Term: 29/03/2022 - 29/03/2025
Governance and transparency
The Cerrado das Águas Consortium (CCA) has a robust governance system, involving the Fiscal Council and the Deliberative Council, which play fundamental roles in strategic guidance and monitoring of the institution's activities. Comprised of experienced and committed professionals, the CCA Council plays an essential role in promoting environmental conservation and climate resilience objectives.

The Deliberative Council's main function is to define the strategic guidelines of the Consortium, as well as to monitor and evaluate the progress of ongoing actions and projects. With representatives from various sectors, including companies, government, and civil society, the Deliberative Council ensures participation and diversity of perspectives in decision-making, promoting a collaborative and comprehensive approach.

Marcelo Cocco Urtado
President - mandate 2022-2025

Mario Cerutti
Adviceheir - mandate until 2023
Director of Institutional Relations and Sustainability at Lavazza

Gilvania Bedin
adviceheir - mandate until 2025
Quality and Environment Analyst at Cooxupé

Gilvania Bedin
adviceheir - mandate until 2025
Quality and Environment Analyst at Cooxupé

William Amado
Deputy President - mandate 2022-2025
Leader of the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality Program - Nespresso

Simon Peter of Lima
adviceheir - mandate until 2024
Superintendent Director of Expocaccer

Gilvania Bedin
adviceheir - mandate until 2025
Quality and Environment Analyst at Cooxupé
The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the Consortium's resources and finances, ensuring transparency and proper use of the financial resources invested. Its expertise in the financial and management areas contributes to ensuring the integrity and sustainability of CCA's operations.