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CCA methodology is the subject of an international scientific article


Exploring Challenges and Lessons for Monitoring Forest and Landscape Restoration features the collaborative work developed by CCA.

The article, written by Stephanie Mansourian for the University of Geneva, focuses on forest landscape restoration (FLR), an approach to restoring forest ecosystems first defined in 2000 that has gained prominence since the launch of the Bonn Challenge in 2011.

According to the aim of the scientific article, FLR aims to improve the ecological integrity and improve human well-being in (forested) landscapes. Monitoring FLR is essential to ensure effective implementation and to learn from practice. However, to this day, monitoring remains a major challenge for FLR. Monitoring FLR requires measures at the landscape scale and in the social and natural sciences. We explore some of the monitoring challenges raised by these dimensions of FLR. We assess the current theory and practice behind FLR monitoring and how it relates to practices in related environmental disciplines.

Read the article via the images below:



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